
Growing Economy

Understanding how our economy works on a macro and micro level means you can identify potential triggers, make informed decisions to increase profitability and mitigate risk, while still finding profitable investments regardless of where we are in the market cycle.

Stable Environment

Core properties tend to have stabilized occupancy rates and rents with predictable cash flow each year; the other categories fluctuate more

Low Taxes

To determine the states with the lowest property taxes we reviewed the mean effective property tax rate—the total real taxes paid/total home value—of owner-occupied housing in the main countries

Feasibility and market studies

We conduct feasibility studies and market surveys – prior to and during the purchasing procedure, and highlight the best solutions with regard to the scope of the project, the design and anticipated returns.

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Business-Friendly Environment

The recovery phase is the first stage after a recession or pullback in the market. In this phase, there is a low demand for housing and high vacancy rates. This is a great time to purchase properties as the price of real estate is low. This can initially be a hard phase to identify, as it often still feels like a recession. However, if timed well, there are a lot of opportunities to buy real estate at rock-bottom prices.

Lifetime Investment Planning

The expansion phase is when the market is showing signs of recovery, growth, and expansion. GDP has stabilized back to normal levels, job growth is steady, housing is in a balanced supply and demand, rental rates are increasing, and new construction ramps up again. Confidence is being rebuilt in the economy and spending across the board begins to accelerate. Investor activity is typically high at this time.

